Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sacred Salt Jar

I do not know who the author of this article is but if someone could tell me, I'll gladly give proper credit where it is due.

This is not only great to have for oneself, but it makes a nice gift to someone special if you happen to know what scents or stones they like. Since what you put into it is "yours," it is like giving apart of yourself also.This mixture is excellent to charge stones in and to "simmer energies". Once it has blended for a few months, a pinch can be added to rituals, bathwater, gift to Mother Earth,etc..You can also make a "starter salt" as a gift for a friend. You can also give of your own sacred salt mixture to a special friend to help blend powers and energies when they make their own sacred salt mixture.The mixture should be made and kept in a covered stone or Earthenjar, but can be made and kept in a covered glass jar until you find one that is suitable. There are thoughts on what kind of salt to use. Some use rock salt, some Earth salt and some sea salt, some even use normal table salt. Whatever salt you use, make sure that it is "natural" and not iodized.You blend the salt with chopped or ground herbs, tiny crystals, small stones, jewelry, ground incense and a few drops of your favorite oils, anything that you wish. Even rose petals and other flowers, or a lock of hair that is braided or twined in ribbon (personal salts only). When you have cleansed and charged the stones and crystals by Sun and Moon, place them in this mixture to store until you wish to use them or give them as gifts.
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