Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Changing Face of Paganism

The simplest definition of Paganims is "country dweller" but in today's world most people who label themselves pagan fall under one of two categories. They are either Pagan or Neo Pagan. Isaac Bonewit ( further divides Paganism into Paleo- paganism, Meso-paganism and Neo-paganism on his website and has well written definitions for each type here .

Speaking in the strictest sense, can we even worship or practice the "old ways"? Thanks to archaeology, anthropology and many dedicated non-professionals, we are able to recreate quite a bit of the old ways but we have a much different view of the world than our ancestors did. We have information they did not and vice versa. Our culture, society and planet are much different than they were in days gone by. We can incorporate many of the ways of our ancestors that we have learned over time but in the truest sense, current society and culture makes it impossible to practice as our ancestors did. On the other hand Neo-pagans tend to embrace all the newest ways of following this path.

But rather than dividing the Pagan community into either one or the other, why not blend the two? Why not follow Mother Nature's example? As times goes on and circumstances change, Mother Nature changes with it. Mountains form and erode, rivers change course, the climate alters, plants and animals adapt. All around, change is taking place. Habitats and ecosystems rise, fall and change into something new. So called "stagnant water" is undergoing change as algae grows and dies using up the resources in the water. Mother Nature never stands still. She is constantly in a state of fluctuation. Cities and towns are also in a constant state of change. Paganism is this way. As Nature, culture, society and technology changes, we are influenced by the changes. We grow and change and like Mother Nature, we keep what works from the old ways and try new things, adopting what works and adapting what doesn't. What is this state of growth, change and adaptation called? EVOLUTION!!!!

From this day forward, I am an "Evolving Pagan".



Blogger Mab said...

Really well written, cariad. Go you!

6:43 PM  
Blogger Dreamweaver said...

Thank you Mab! I really want to see more unity in the Pagan community.

7:27 AM  

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