Saturday, November 11, 2006

What is magick?

By Stayce Mason

A few thoughts....

The other day i was thinking just what is magick?? A few things hit me last night at 2 in the morning, please bare with me while i try to sort them out.

To me magick is a rainbow after a devastating storm, the fact that people can pick up an rebuild just because that rainbow is there. Magick is a volcano erupting, causing massive destruction, yet at the same time, rebuilding the earth.

To me magick is a baby's smile. your pets unconditional love, the fact they seem to know exactly when you need them to be there for you without a word being said. The whisperings of your first love, or even your last love, and every love inbetween.

To me magick is being honored with being in the room when someone crosses over. with being honored to be allowed to be in the room when a life comes into this world and to realize what an honor both of those things are.

To me magick is that jolt that you feel when you meet that someoneright, whether that person is right for a few minutes, a few months, a few years, or even that right someone. Its the fact that you have come to love yourself, and know even if that person is the right one,you don't NEED that person to make you feel good about yourself,because you already do.

To me magick is looking at the stars and wondering, what is out there?? That moment of discovery when suddenly something all clicks, even if its as simple as your homework, or finding that cure for that thing you've been looking for. That feeling of accomplishment, when you finish a project, its done and you know YOU did it!!

To me magick is not the fact that we cast spells to solve every problem, but the fact that we can solve problems, even without spells. The fact that when we need to we can cast a spell, say a prayer, or do whatever.

These are just a few things magick is to me......but most of all to me magick is the ability to believe. Believe in what?? Does it really matter in the end?? Its just the ability to believe.

stayce mason
copyright 2005
all right reserved, can be shared as long as proper copyright and credit is given


Blogger Yewtree said...

Interesting extension of the concept of magic.

By the way, you're listed at Pagan Blogs - if you feel like linking back, that'd be great.

7:20 AM  

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