Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gentle Witch

“Hear ye then how our Fathers before us discover’d the Witche: Mark well their manner, for it is quiet and assumeth naught. It is in peaceful tones they speak, and often seem abstracted. Seeming to prefer the company of Beastes, they converse with them as equals. They will dwell in lonely places, there better (as they say) to know the voices of the Wind and hear the secrets of Nature. Possessing Wysdome of the feildes and forrests, they doe heals and harme with their harvests. They concern themselves not with idle fashion, nor doe worldly goods hold value for them. Be not so confused as to think that only Womankynde harbour the gifts in this matter. Of men there bee many that holde mickle power.”

~ Edward Johnston, Esq, Sudbury, Suffolk, Eng., 1645
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