Sunday, October 08, 2006

100 things about me

1) Dreamweaver is a name given to me years ago and everytime I try to change it, I keep coming back to it.
2) Everyone who has heard the song Dreamweaver by Gary Wright say they think of me when they hear it.
3) I've been an environmentalist all my life.
4) I began search for other "paths" because Christianity didn't promote environmentalism.
5) Water and Earth are my favorite elements.
6) I have a horrible fear of spiders.
7) I greatly dislike "Love" spells.
8) I frequently sing in the shower.
9) I'm a hopeless romantic.
10) I would prefer people be honest with me even if it means hurting my feelings.
11) I frequently have visions while sitting on my porch swing.
12) I don't eat beef.
13) I'm an expert in making mountains out of molehills.
14) I am a Virgo sun, Gemini moon and Aries ascendant.
15) I love having pets!
16) I'm fascinated by astrology and the effects the cosmos have on us.
17) I love candles and incense.
18) I love to swim and would do it every day if I could.
19) I hate shoes!
20) My totem animals are Wolf, hawk, butterfly and otter.
21) I love music and singing but I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be.
22) I believe the Universe (aka Wild Magick) provides what we need.
23) I believe the Universe will bend to our will but it will only go so far.
24) I won $56 on the lottery yesterday.
25) I'm well practiced in self-criticism.
26) I don't drink alcohol.
27) I skipped school several times in high school.
28) I love thunderstorms and like to play in the rain.
29) I dislike talk shows like Oprah, Jerry Springer.
30) I love taking care of my family and home.
31) I despise my birth name.
32) Bands I really like are Kip Winger (Pull, SFTOF, and TCSLAD), Godsmack (all albums), Shinedown (most of their music),
Nickleback (most of their stuff) and Cheap Trick (most of their music)
33) My eyes change colors with my moods.
34) I miss living in an area with four seasons, mountains, lakes and rivers.
35) I believe in "true love" but I think our standard definition of it is WAY off.
36) I'm a very impatient person.
37) I eat a lot of rice.
38) I love learning about other cultures. Particularly lost/legendary ones such as Atlantis and Lemuria.
39) An astrological chart I had done said I "was born hungry and will die hungry". It was speaking about wanting more. I fully agree with it. I'm always looking for what is next. The next experience, the next bit of knowledge.
40) I'm strongly empathic/telepathic. Much of the time its hard to tell if the feeling belongs to someone else or myself because I feel it so strongly. I also frequently know people's exact thoughts and answer their questions before they ask them.
41) I'm addicted to raisins.
42) I love to read.
43) I hate getting sweaty.
44) I prefer handmade gifts to store bought ones.
45) I collect stones.
46) I seem to have a talent for handling knives though I can't imagine why. I'm not talking steak knives either!
47) I don't just believe in the Wild Magick. I KNOW it exists for me.
48) I love photography.
49) I have a particularly good sense of smell.
50) I hate cities.
51) Cats like to be with me when they give birth.
52) I have a spirit guide who travels with me through the astral/spirit world and frequently even in my dreams.
53) I have a very high tolerance for pain and a very low tolerance for medication.
54) I almost died once due to a reaction to medication.
55) I've saved someone from drowning.
56) I've had a loaded gun pointed at me.
57) I'm often told my eyes are expressive and can tell stories of their own.
58) It almost always rains on my birthday.
59) I've been knocked unconscious before.
60) I've crawled into an upside down wrecked car to hold pressure on a stranger's bleeding wounds until the ambulance arrived.
61) My favorite place to be is be at a lake surrounded by a forest early in the morning before everyone wakes up and its just me, the fog over the water and nature.
62) I almost always remember my dreams and they are always unusual.
63) I have a terrible memory about most things.
64) I can't seperate the spiritual me from the mundane me.
65) The more open I strive to be, the more mysterious people say I am.
66) I want a tattoo but can't decide on any designs.
67) Most of the magick I do doesn't use tools other than maybe a stick or found seashell or some other natural object where I am doing the working.
68) I'm interested in learning more about aromatherapy and using scent in magick.
69) I had several nicknames as a child (Jenna Ann, Ding dong, Gina roll)
70) My favorite colors are blue, green and purple.
71) I think the wind blowing feels like arms hugging me.
72) I fear doctors.
73) My house is haunted by a ghost named Murphy.
74) Sometimes I need a good cry.
75) I've only recently learned how to properly shield myself.
76) Most people consider me too passionate. (Not just talking sex here)
77) When in person, I prefer to interact with people one on one and hate large groups.
78) I am forming a grey streak in my otherwise brown hair.
79) I'm prone to frequent mood shifts.
80) I prefer to impart my knowledge to others through telling stories and my own experiences since I think its wrong to tell another person how to live their path.
81) I have Native American, Scottish, Irish and French ancestors.
82) Most of my scars are from burns.
83) I have a scar on my left thigh where a broomstick handle stabbed me.
84) I love watching people go through a martial arts routine rather than actual fighting.
85) I love kisses and hugs.
86) My kids think its unfair that I'm empathic/telepathic because I know what they are up to and they can't get away with much.
87) I can tell a lot about a person by their eyes.
88) I don't like crudeness.
89) I don't like scary things.
90) I am always calm in a crisis but get very shakey afteward.
91) I cried through most of The Lake House.
92) I am too immodest.
93) I will NEVER break a friend's confidence by telling their secrets.
94) I don't hate anyone but a few people have crossed the line with me and are put on my "No longer exists" list. To insist they are alive and exist is to put them up as a bulls-eye for my more wicked side.
95) I am told that I am the ultimate Virgo.
96) On my astrological chart, all my signs fall in their natural houses.
97) I love cartoon movies like Mulan, Thumbelina, Atlantis, Pocahontas, etc.
98) In the spring I get allergies so bad that the sinus pressure affects my vision.
99) I'm not offended by nudity.
100) I try to maintain balance in my life.
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